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start [2017/06/08 19:50]
start [2017/08/29 19:42]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +[[NovoNexus Modules|NovoNexus Modules]]
 <html> <html>
   <head>   <head>
Line 47: Line 49:
-<graphviz dot right 900x500>+<html> 
 +  <head> 
 +    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
 +    <script type="text/javascript"> 
 +      google.charts.load('current', {packages:['wordtree']}); 
 +      google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); 
 +      function drawChart() { 
 +        var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable( 
 +          [ ['Phrases'], 
 +            ['cats are better than dogs'], 
 +            ['cats eat kibble'], 
 +            ['cats are better than hamsters'], 
 +            ['cats are awesome'], 
 +            ['cats are people too'], 
 +            ['cats eat mice'], 
 +            ['cats meowing'], 
 +            ['cats in the cradle'], 
 +            ['cats eat mice'], 
 +            ['cats in the cradle lyrics'], 
 +            ['cats eat kibble'], 
 +            ['cats for adoption'], 
 +            ['cats are family'], 
 +            ['cats eat mice'], 
 +            ['cats are better than kittens'], 
 +            ['cats are evil'], 
 +            ['cats are weird'], 
 +            ['cats eat mice'], 
 +          ] 
 +        ); 
 +        var options = { 
 +          wordtree: { 
 +            format: 'implicit', 
 +            word: 'cats' 
 +          } 
 +        }; 
 +        var chart = new google.visualization.WordTree(document.getElementById('wordtree_basic')); 
 +        chart.draw(data, options); 
 +      } 
 +    </script> 
 +  </head> 
 +  <body> 
 +    <div id="wordtree_basic" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div> 
 +  </body> 
 +<graphviz border='frame' format='png' desc='none'> 
 +digraph example1 {Hello->"World!"
 +=== Example 2 from === 
 +<graphviz renderer='neato' caption='Hello Neato'> 
 +graph EXAMPLE2 { 
 +  run -- intr; 
 +  intr -- runbl; 
 +  runbl -- run; 
 +  run -- kernel; 
 +  kernel -- zombie; 
 +  kernel -- sleep; 
 +  kernel -- runmem; 
 +  sleep -- swap; 
 +  swap -- runswap; 
 +  runswap -- new; 
 +  runswap -- runmem; 
 +  new -- runmem; 
 +  sleep -- runmem; 
 +digraph L0 { 
 +size = "8,8"; 
 +node [shape = box]; 
 +n0 [label="E"]; 
 +n1 [label="T"]; 
 +n2 [label="F"]; 
 +n3 [label="IDENT : a "]; 
 +n4 [label="+"]; 
 +n5 [label="T"]; 
 +n6 [label="F"]; 
 +n7 [label="("]; 
 +n8 [label="E"]; 
 +n9 [label="T"]; 
 +n10 [label="F"]; 
 +n11 [label="IDENT : b "]; 
 +n12 [label="*"]; 
 +n13 [label="F"]; 
 +n14 [label="IDENT : c "]; 
 +n15 [label=")"]; 
 +n16 [label="*"]; 
 +n17 [label="F"]; 
 +n18 [label="("]; 
 +n19 [label="E"]; 
 +n20 [label="T"]; 
 +n21 [label="F"]; 
 +n22 [label="IDENT : d "]; 
 +n23 [label="*"]; 
 +n24 [label="F"]; 
 +n25 [label="IDENT : e "]; 
 +n26 [label="+"]; 
 +n27 [label="T"]; 
 +n28 [label="F"]; 
 +n29 [label="("]; 
 +n30 [label="E"]; 
 +n31 [label="T"]; 
 +n32 [label="F"]; 
 +n33 [label="IDENT : a "]; 
 +n34 [label="*"]; 
 +n35 [label="F"]; 
 +n36 [label="IDENT : b "]; 
 +n37 [label=")"]; 
 +n38 [label=")"]; 
 +n39 [label="+"]; 
 +n40 [label="T"]; 
 +n41 [label="F"]; 
 +n42 [label="IDENT : q "]; 
 +n0 ->{ n1 n4 n5 n39 n40 }; 
 +n1 ->n2 ; 
 +n2 ->n3 ; 
 +n5 ->{ n6 n16 n17 }; 
 +n6 ->{ n7 n8 n15 }; 
 +n8 ->n9 ; 
 +n9 ->{ n10 n12 n13 }; 
 +n10 ->n11 ; 
 +n13 ->n14 ; 
 +n17 ->{ n18 n19 n38 }; 
 +n19 ->{ n20 n26 n27 }; 
 +n20 ->{ n21 n23 n24 }; 
 +n21 ->n22 ; 
 +n24 ->n25 ; 
 +n27 ->n28 ; 
 +n28 ->{ n29 n30 n37 }; 
 +n30 ->n31 ; 
 +n31 ->{ n32 n34 n35 }; 
 +n32 ->n33 ; 
 +n35 ->n36 ; 
 +n40 ->n41 ; 
 +n41 ->n42 ; 
 +digraph G {bgcolor=blue 
 + subgraph cluster_1 { fontcolor=white 
 + node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="antiquewhite:aquamarine" ]n5; 
 + node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="bisque4:blue2" ]n4; 
 + node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="cadetblue1:chocolate1" ]n3; 
 + node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="crimson:cyan4" ]n2; 
 + node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="deepskyblue2:firebrick" ]n1; 
 + node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="gray24:gray88" ]n0; 
 + label = "X11 Colors"; 
 + subgraph cluster_2 { fontcolor=white 
 + node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="bisque:brown" ]n11; 
 + node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="green:darkorchid" ]n10; 
 + node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="deepskyblue:gold" ]n9; 
 + node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="lightseagreen:orangered" ]n8; 
 + node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="turquoise:salmon" ]n7; 
 + node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="snow:black" ]n6; 
 + label = "SVG Colors"; 
 + subgraph cluster_3 { fontcolor=white 
 + node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="/accent3/1:/accent3/3" ]n17; 
 + node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="/accent4/1:/accent4/4" ]n16; 
 + node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="/accent5/1:/accent5/5" ]n15; 
 + node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="/accent6/1:/accent6/6" ]n14; 
 + node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="/accent7/1:/accent7/7" ]n13; 
 + node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="/accent8/1:/accent8/8" ]n12; 
 + label = "Brewer - accent"; 
 + subgraph cluster_4 { fontcolor=white 
 + node [ style=filled,shape="box",fillcolor="/blues3/1:/blues3/2" ]n23; 
 + node [ shape="ellipse",fillcolor="/blues4/1:/blues4/3" ]n22; 
 + node [ shape="circle",fillcolor="/blues5/1:/blues5/4" ]n21; 
 + node [ shape="diamond",fillcolor="/blues6/1:/blues6/5" ]n20; 
 + node [ shape="triangle",fillcolor="/blues7/1:/blues7/6" ]n19; 
 + node [ shape="pentagon",fillcolor="/blues8/1:/blues8/7" ]n18; 
 + label = "Brewer - blues"; 
 +n3 -> n9 -> n15 -> n21; 
 +<graphviz dot left 900x500>
 digraph ATN { digraph ATN {
 rankdir=LR; rankdir=LR;
start.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/20 15:47 by dlm

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