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NovoMotion Schema Editor

The NovoMotion Schema Editor is used to create or maintain the definition of the elements of a schema generator used with the the SQL environment. Once the user has logged in through the NovoMotion U2 Login, the user will access the Schema Editor through the U2 Options view.

NovoMotion Schema Editor - U2 Options Tab - SA Map Example

The U2 Options tab allows for the following information to be entered:

Data Type Description
Variable Character used for characters with a length greater than 1000
Character used for any string of data up to 1000 characters
Date used for any date field
Integer used for any numeric field that does not contain decimals
Numeric used for most non-integer numbers
Decimal inherently the same as numeric
Floating Point used when the precision and scale are not distinct
Key Word Description
@MULTIVALUEID Current suggestion is to use multiple primary keys instead of this. However, it is used to explode the controlling attribute of a multi-valued set @MULTIVALUEID:part1:part2
@ORDINAL Assigns a numeric sequence to the value - @ORDINAL:mvinfo. See Ordinal considerations below.
@ACTION Used to specify a delete or insert event
@LITERAL Used to pass static data through the schema - @LITERAL:1
@FIELD Field based on info - @FIELD:info:delimiter:occurrence:numberOfOccurrences
@FIELDS Field for multi-value array. Same as @FIELD
@TM Allows selection of a specific table master - @TM:tablenbr
@CHANGE Used to change a specific string from one literal to another - @CHANGE:info:from:to
@CONVERT Used to change multiple characters from one character to another - @CONVERT:info:from:to
@ICONV Used to convert a string to internal format - @ICONV:mvinfo:conversion
@OCONV Used to convert a string to external format - @OCONV:mvinfo:conversion
@FMT Used to format a string - @FMT:mvinfo:statment
@NOT The reverse of a string evaluation - @NOT:mvinfo
@TRIM Removes errant spaces from a string - @TRIM:mvinfo
@NULL Returns a null character - @NULL
@BLOAT Use to expand (bloat) a dictionary to the value mark count dictated by another dictionary - @BLOAT:DictOne:BoatDict
@USER Sends the U2 user ID who caused the record change event, or load event
@SWAP Used to change string from one string to another - @SWAP:info:from:to
@CAT Use U2 CATS to combine two arrays of data together - @CAT:info1:info2
@TIMESTAMP transmit a record timestamp for when change / load event happened in U2. This is both date and time in SQL.

NovoMotion Schema Editor - SQL Options tab - SA Map Example

Additionally, the SQL Options tab allows the following information to be entered:

NovoMotion Schema Editor - Post Job Options Tab - SA Map Example

The Post Job Options tab allows the user to enter the following information:

NovoMotion Schema Editor - Drop Down Menus


Action Description
New used to create a new schema
New from Template applies a previously saved template for ease of entry
Open used to access an existing schema - including one that was auto-generated
Save save changes to a schema - using the existing schema name
Save As save changes to a schema - using a new schema name
Save As Template save current schema as a template for later use
Import Schema used to import a schema that was generated on another system
Export Schema used to prepare a schema for distribution to another system
Delete remove the current schema
Close close the current schema
Exit leave the NovoMotion Schema Editor
Logout return to the U2 Login screen


Action Description
Add Action Row allows user to automatically add the @ACTION to a schema - @ACTION is used for tables that require row replacement
Apply Template apply a previously saved template to the existing schema


Action Description
Generate SQL Script used to create the SQL script
Validate Schema checks the schema for valid login information
Apply Schema to selected Schema apply a previously saved template to the existing schema
Launch Interface Control starts the Interface Control for the existing U2 Login
Launch File Loader starts the File Loader - see screen shot below

Note: The Generate SQL Script is used when one wants to generate script to create the SQL table (see Creating a SQL Script) to avoid the necessity of creating the SQL table by hand. This is often used multiple times during the development of new schema to perfect the information between U2 and SQL.

The SQL script can be pasted into SQL Management Studio and executed. It will drop any existing SQL table of the name defined in the schema and re-create it with the columns defined in the schema. It does this for both the base SQL table and - if an @ACTION row exists - for the parallel SQL trigger table. See the SQL Server Management Studio Example if you would like to review notes about the SQL Server tasks.

If a SQL table has already been established and the schema needs to change, the user has the following options:

  1. Generate the SQL script through the Schema Editor, copy it, paste it into SQL Management Studio, and execute the script. This will drop the existing table and replace the existing SQL column definitions. Then use LOAD.BCI.ACTION to reload the data into the SQL table.
  2. Change, add, or delete the desired information in the schema via the Schema Editor, then make the same changes to the SQL table via SQL tools. Next use LOAD.BCI.ACTION to reload the data into the SQL table. This can be used when the SQL table has data that cannot be regenerated from the U2 server because the data has already been purged from that server or because the table is large and the data being added is new.


Action Description
About Schema Editor used to check the version and build of the editor

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